Facing Fears Head (set) on: How Virtual Reality technology can help in the treatment of phobias.
Exposure therapy is a well-establish form of treatment for a range of phobias and fear based responses. When we fear something, a person, place, object we naturally avoid this situation as to avoid the associated anxiety response. Whilst in the short term this can feel beneficial, “If I avoid this, I feel better”, in the long term it creates more fear and anxiety. Exposure therapy allows an individual to be exposed to their feared situation in a safe environment facilitated by a therapist. This enables a reduction in anxiety so the individual can begin to engage in that situation confidently.
The use of virtual reality, or VR, technology allows for a immersive experience, clients can face a recreation of the feared situation whilst knowing they are in a safe space with their therapist. Previously this would look like imagining or comprehensively describing a feared situation to the therapist, or scheduling a time where a therapist can attend a certain place to observe the fear response. Advantages of using VR:
The sense of presence and direct interaction with the digital environment are fundamental components that contribute to effectivity of using VR to treat specific phobias and anxiety. Repeatedly engaging in VR helps reduce anxious feelings, allows the individual to feel grounded in the experience and prepare to face the situation in real life.